E型槽塑料模具,地鐵疏散平臺塑料模具 黑龍江佳木斯盛達建材廠
聯系電話:劉 18645469222 0454-7600008

黑龍江省佳木斯市郊區盛達建材經銷處位于佳木斯郊區 長發鎮,交通方便,四通八達。專門從事塑料注塑模具的設計,制造,注塑和包覆成型。該公司的產品齊全,庫存充足。引進先進的模具制造設備和檢測設備,保證了從技術到設備的生產質量。
Shengda Building Material Distribution Office in Jiamusi Suburb of Heilongjiang Province is located in Changfa Town, Jiamusi Suburb, with convenient transportation and extensive access. Specializing in the design, manufacture, injection and coating of plastic injection moulds. The company has complete products and sufficient stock. The introduction of advanced mould manufacturing equipment and testing equipment ensures the quality of production from technology to equipment.
The consumer products of Shengda Building Materials Distribution Office in Jiamusi suburb of Heilongjiang province involve various kinds of tool production; the quality is stable, the price is reasonable, and it is widely praised throughout the country, and has been recognized by everyone, and has a good reputation.
公司自成立以來,一直秉承“質量第一,客戶至上”的宗旨,贏得了社會和客戶的認可和信賴。公司的消費質量已經超越了海關,符合國家規范,受到了大家的歡迎和信賴。在消費程中我們始終堅持“質量第一”的規范,運用先進的技術,不時在改進和完善,力求更好的發展,真正成為注塑的龍頭企業成型工業。根據您的需求,我們可以為您提供所需的產品。告別新老客戶,來電,來信,惠顧! !
Since its inception, the company has been adhering to the purpose of "quality first, customer first", and has won the recognition and trust of society and customers. The company's consumption quality has exceeded the customs, conformed to the national norms, and has been welcomed and trusted by everyone. In the consumption process, we always adhere to the "quality first" norm, use advanced technology, constantly improve and improve, strive for better development, truly become the leading injection molding industry. According to your needs, we can provide you with the products you need. Farewell old and new customers, calls, letters, patronage!!