1 .空氣銷用在有深度、 密閉之真空狀態下, 頂針頂出困難時用之, 且産品面積大, 不容易脫落時, 亦可采用之。2.本裝置精度高, 但裝設很簡單, 且不占空間, 而發揮的功能很大, 爲頂出裝置改良之最佳利器。
3.其原理爲利用空氣閥控制, 封閉型之産品之剝脫, 以空氣擴散之原理, 使産品在瞬間, 達到自動化之效果。
4.本産品材質皆采用不銹鋼制成,絕不生銹,請安心使用 。
5.消除模具在頂針設計上及制作過程之麻煩, 以及化解在射出上之多故障性, 實爲模具界一大突破。
1.It's use in vacuumed condition in the deep and closed molds,or it can be used for having problems with ejection of ejector pins and
for the larger size of final products,which has difficulty leaving the molds.
2.Easy installation high precision and space saver.
3.Using air valves to control the operation and the final products can leave the molds instantly.
4.Air-poppet valves are made from stainless steels and it will never rust.
5.Air-poppet valves are one of the most innovated tools for the molding industries.It will resolve the problems for molds design and injection troubles.
自動焊接機 http://www.gdkyrong.com
模具配件 https://www.jinhongmc.com
滑軌廠家 http://www.w-slide.com
立式注塑機 https://www.dgtaiyou.com
玉石手表 https://diella.cn
鈑金加工 http://www.winwin-metal.com
東莞電子地磅 http://www.dghjhq.com
東莞封箱機 https://www.dgylpack.com
液體灌裝機生產線 http://www.dgbaiyue.com